Tau Founder Tries to Follow St. Francis...
I know you're likely bombarded with communications while trying to enjoy some holiday downtime, so here's a brief update of the biggest life decision I've made as an adult.
1) I recently announced my impending resignation as the Senior Pastor of Resurrection Brooklyn.
2) My new ministry focus, TAU, needs year-end donations to scholarship those in need. I take no income from Tau yet, though after Easter it may become one of the ways you can support my missionary journey.
3) What's next? In short, holy mischief making and healing.
Some answers below for the curious...
Woah. Why, Jamison?
My two-decade project of missional church planting in NYC is coming to a conclusion. I am a writer, musician, gatherer, creative, and clergy-person who's been blessed with a long life in NYC and a deep well of friends around the globe. I want to share more of my/our gifts with you, them, and the world. I feel strongly that God allowed me to finish Volume 1 of my life's work with a "Well Done," that my church is prepared for what's next, and that it's time for me to follow God into unknown lands. I will shepherd Resurrection Brooklyn through Easter, followed by the sabbatical I am due, then jump into the Saint Francis-inspired void: no promise of income, but with the freedom and creative passion to be a joyful missionary to the world.
What are you going to do?
Stay based in NYC. Create events here and also travel to serve people with the love of God through transformative experiences of wonder and healing. Not take another parish pastor position. Write a ton, through my substack and two online journals (TAU and ALM) and by completing a draft of a book I am writing called “WELL? – (Mis)Adventures Seeking Wholeness”. And I'm going to shepherd the Mission Wonder entrepreneurial ministries and organizations further into the world in A Year of Living Wondrously, twelve months starting next Summer where I work, build, collaborate, go, follow, document, and share wherever and whatever God most wants me to be and do in the world, without regard for monetary remuneration.
How can we help or follow along?
I would love for you to follow along on the next adventures by sticking around for my forthcoming weekly newsletter: Postcards from Pilgrimage. (I will port you over as a Tau newsletter subscriber.)
Or if you're just the casual social media type I post regularly on IG:
Pray for all of us, and give thanks for my supportive partner in life, Laura Galt. Follow along online and in-person. I'll be free to come to you now or invite you to something I'm doing wherever. Or invite me!
If you poke around the Mission Wonder Map you'll see it's a kind of vocational constellation for me, and each "planet" is a hyperlink to a work in progress. Go explore. And if you're feeling inspired and generous or believe in me and my calling, please support Tau, where donations will be prioritized toward scholarships for those in need attending my upcoming retreats in Panama.
Or make my wildest Christmas dreams come true and help me figure out how to purchase the ideal first property for Tau's wilderness retreat centers. We are excited about 2025 and all that's next.
The world is abundant because God is abundant, so we can live abundantly. May you be richly blessed this season and always.
Merry Christmas, Happy Abundant 2025, and Godspeed,