Wondrous things are coming for Tau and our community this coming year. We will be resurrecting the newsletter in the New Year, leading two retreats to Panama in February, one for clergy and ministry leaders and one for creatives, and we have a bunch of magical surprises up our sleeves. Stay tuned!
For now, head over to our new website which is still a bit under construction. It has a beautiful video filmed during our "creatives retreat" in Panama last year by one of our retreatants and in-house filmmakers, Thaddaeus Andreades.

Tau Journey Panama for Clergy and Ministry Leaders – Feb 8-14
Tau Journey Panama for Creatives – Feb 15-21
Please consider coming, recommending a potential guest, or passing this along to someone you think might want to join us. Pending year-end donations, scholarships may be available.
Who should come to Tau Journey Panama?
A Tau retreat is for those who are hungry and thirsty for well-being, who are open and seeking something deeper for themselves and the world. It doesn’t work for those who have it all or have it all figured out. We are attempting to attune you to the frequencies of God’s love and his kingdom, which is not easily discernible in the world’s perspectives and agendas—often including religious ones—for his kingdom does not look like or travel at the speed of Man. Are you able to swim, open to adventure and other people no matter how different they are from yourself, and interested in or open to learning and engaging in contemplative Christian spiritual practices? Come learn how to live more fully back home.
What will we do there besides be in nature and pray?
Our application and website have some more information about the entire experience, but in terms of modalities we will guide the group through our daily "Seven Steps of Shalom" field guide to sustainable spirituality, pray and journal, explore internal family systems through the lens of the Two Lost Sons parable, and learn from the practices of biomimicry, bodied theology, entry-level somatic and wilderness therapies, spiritual direction, and Christian contemplation.
Why Panama?
In Short: Bocas del Toro is the ideal off-grid location for an immersive experience of shalom, for real transformation and not mere travel. We've chosen to plant our base here for its lessons in simplicity, affordability, and sustainability. Some of its lessons include:
Nature- Nature is not a backdrop here, but a teacher. The Smithsonian Institute for Caribbean Studies is headquartered here and the jungle and sea are teeming with raw life. Nature can be beautifully overwhelming in this place.
Wonder- Panama is not escapist, bougie or an eco-Disney cruise. We learn the good and hard lessons of nature here, seeing how small we are but how significant. We also see the distant impacts of unfettered capitalism up close and to feel them.
Culture- Bocas del Toro is not quite the remnant of the conquest-colonial endeavor like some other Caribbean destinations. It is wildly diverse with many ancient streams of people, and mostly there is essential harmony from a global and diverse community of the enterprising and indigenous.
Adventure- It is still somewhat undiscovered and it is under-infrastructured and commodified. (But you probably won't suffer!)
Amazing- But you need a guide.